Monday, April 4, 2011

Rare Earth Magnets

Teachers use rare earth magnets in classrooms to instruct their students about magnetic fields to explain how invisible forces and subatomic particles work together to create magnetic force. This can be very revealing for students who have never seen anything like this before. The properties of magnets to those who know nothing about the scientific phenomenon behind it can be very puzzling. Students will be curious to find out about magnetic fields. It will stimulate their curiosity as they observe the magnet's polarity and their effects on each other. Here are some ways you can use rare earth magnets to give your students an enjoyable and complete education.

To begin, you should start off with assigning your students to perform a basic experiment. Place a large magnet on a table and then have your students drop or gently toss smaller magnets on, at, or around it. The large magnet will repel some of the magnets. Other magnets will align their poles and be attracted to the large magnet, perhaps even flipping in the air.

After that, you can assign your students to write an essay about rare earth magnets. This may not be as exciting to them or hands on, however once they have seen the magnets in action and had some experience, they will be more excited and have more enthusiasm about writing an essay on the subject. Have them explain in their paper how magnets function.

Then you can switch back to more hands on activities to keep your students engaged. Divide your class into groups and give them instructions for different experiments that they can do on their own. Once they have experimented with their magnets and have begun to understand it, have them think up their own original ideas. Help them to broaden their minds by giving them the freedom to experiment on their own.

Rare earth magnet experiments are a great option for a class science lesson because they engage the mind. Your students will have an opportunity to get in on the action and experience magnetic properties first hand. This can enable them to understand magnets on a level a textbook could never get across. It can also get them excited about learning new things. After all, motivating students to want to learn is at least half the battle. All students are capable of a degree of learning, and most of them are intelligent enough to comprehend complex concepts. The biggest issue most teachers face is getting their students motivated to learn the things they need to know. Rare earth magnets can help you accomplish all of this and help you achieve more success with your teaching than you have ever before been able to attain.

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